Air Conditioning Repair in Santa Rosa, CA
When a vehicle’s air conditioning system breaks down, there's a huge possibility that the refrigerant is leaking. Not only is this harmful for the environment, but also for the vehicle. Leaking refrigerant could damage the vehicle's compressor and evaporator. That's why getting an auto air conditioning repair in Santa Rosa at the first sign of trouble could help in saving both time and money. Come to Dibble's Auto Center and let them handle your Santa Rosa Auto Air Conditioning repair needs!
AC Performance Check
The moment the temperature rises, nothing is more refreshing than having the privilege of climbing into a cool, air-conditioned vehicle. However, over time, the A/C fitting starts to get loose, just like how the seals, hoses, and 0-rings wear out-- this is where the refreshingly icy blast ends. Get that blast back with the help of Dibble's Auto Center. Their expert auto technicians provide the best car AC service and AC repair at the most affordable rate.
Dibble's Auto Center has a team of highly trained technicians with the necessary training to assure your vehicle is thoroughly inspected for any issues, which they'll put a stop to it before it gets worse.
How Often Should the Auto Air Conditioner Be Serviced?
Dibble’s auto air conditioning repair in Santa Rosa, advises to have one's vehicle checked yearly, since the AC loses around 0.3-0.6 ounces of refrigerant every year. With that said, whenever you start noticing the interior cooling ability of the vehicle starting to decline, this would be the perfect time to call Dibble's Auto Center to perform an A/C inspection.
The Importance of Maintaining A Car’s A/C :
- Regular AC maintenance gives the assurance that the proper system lubrication and refrigerant levels are attained.
- Failure to meet the lubrication and refrigerant levels could lead to compressor problems.
- Regular maintenance ensures that the ideal interior cabin temperature is achieved.
Give Dibble's Auto Center a call at 707-657-4765 or request an appointment here, to schedule your Santa Rosa Air Condition service today!